Harmonize your energy field: How to get strong energies

Energy field mechanics

Various pieces of information are stored in a person's energy field. It is shaped by your own character, lifestyle, past and present experiences, as well as current problems and challenges. If you had negative experiences in your childhood or in your life and repressed them, these will show up as blockages or dysfunctions in the energy field. Your energy is weakened as a result.

Weak energies make you more susceptible to health problems, whether of a physical or a psychological nature. You may also be unable to deal with challenges and stress adequately.

Strong energies, on the other hand, help you cope better with situations. Looking after yourself, not being afraid of getting hurt and taking care of your own needs are essential components for more inner strength. These aspects also have a positive effect on your energy field.

When we talk about energy, what does that actually mean? What influences affect your energy? What exercises can you do to help you develop more strength?

You might feel weak right now. Your problems might be overwhelming you and you might not know how to solve them. Here it is important to get strong energies. Do this daily exercise described in the following section of this article.

What exactly is energy and how does it affect us?

Energy is something that we cannot grasp and usually cannot see. We feel it. In the context of my line of work, I would define energy as something that everyone senses individually. It is what drives our energy field forward. Energy causes our energy field to grow and heal. It is created by the way we live. This also results in more or in less energy. You can envision it as a fire that burns.

It is clear to me what energy is because I can perceive it. But I find it difficult to explain it and put it into words. Our language is not really made for it. Energy can neither be explained nor defined. And everyone has different ideas about this term. That often makes it difficult to talk about energy.

Science has created formulas for energy to make sense of it. These are used to describe chemical sequences, properties and processes.

We are confronted with energy every single day. Or, because we are the energy itself, consisting of energy, it influences us every day. On the one hand, we have our own energy. On the other hand, there is also external energy that is from outside sources. Even if we are aware of an external energy, it is unfamiliar to our system.

There are interactions between our own energy and external energy: How strong is my own energy? How does my own energy influence me? How strong is the energy that I encounter during the day? How does it influence me and how can I withstand it?

When you encounter this energy field, you can analyze and measure these interacting forces with your own perception. From this you can deduce how resistant your own energy is.

Energy changes constantly and affects our state of mind. We notice this when we have slept well and feel refreshed. We feel resilient, we feel good. We have no problems and have strong energy. In the evening, after a tiresome, exhausting day, we might not have strong, good energy. We might be easily annoyed and withdrawn.

Energy changes all the time throughout the day and influences our emotions, our emotional state as well as our behavior. Depending on how strong someone is, they can either regenerate more quickly or remain trapped in their behavior for a longer period.

Which exercises help you to gain strong energy?

Nobody seems to believe me when I say that this simple exercise is enough. This exercise isn't even strenuous by any means. It just is effective. From experience, I can concur that the simplest things in life are the ones that have more of an impact than the more complicated ones.

Close your eyes as you breathe in. This increases your focus on yourself. Open your eyes as you breathe out. This increases your focus on the outside world.

This exercise makes you aware of what is your own, on the inside, and also what is on the outside. It can help you to set healthy boundaries and to become more aware of your own inner power. If there is no boundary between the inside and the outside, your own energy dissipates. You gradually become weaker because you are not in your own power.

The moment you focus on yourself by breathing in, you become stronger. You can improve this by trying to consciously keep your energy within yourself as you breathe out. This teaches you to be aware of your own strength, even if your focus is on the outside.

Practicing this technique for just one or two minutes a day is enough. If you do this regularly, you will slowly get into this flow. It's like fitness training. Doing something once or twice is good, but it is not enough for achieving a stable, sustainable condition until you are truly immersed in your own strength and do it automatically.

I recommend practicing this technique alone at home. Only then begin to apply it gradually to your own environment. Eventually, practice using it in an unfamiliar environment, such as at work, on the street or in a public space. It gets better with practice. You can't start at a high level straight away. Nobody is able to run a marathon without being fit. In the beginning, you will have to practice on your own until you've got the hang of it. Only then can you integrate it into your everyday life.

It's a process that cannot be speeded up. Practice at a relaxing pace and give yourself a little bit of time each day. That way you will become faster than if you try to force it. Forcing leads to excessive overload in the energy field when it comes to personal processes.

If you do it regularly, it becomes part of the autonomic nervous system. It starts to become a habit. You rarely focus on it. If you have little practice in being with yourself, it can take up to six years. If you already have a lot of practice, you can do it even after a year.

In principle, however, it is a never-ending process. Today, I am much more with myself and much more in my power than I was five years ago. That's why I'm also looking forward to where I'll be in the next ten or twenty years! Because the strength and awareness to stay with myself, even in interactions, is getting stronger and bigger.

However, you should definitely avoid forcing it and trying to progress more quickly than you can. Otherwise, it loses its natural state and cannot be integrated into the whole system. It's like everything you learn in life: it's slow at first, it's hard, sometimes you feel exasperated. Over time you practice, you begin to enjoy it, and it gets better. Until it starts working on its own.

Is everyone born with the same amount of energy? Do we all have the same amount of energy?

No. As diverse as we humans are, that's how different we start out in life. There are different forces at work during childhood. On the one hand, there is the strength that we have in ourselves. On the other hand, our family home and our environment have an impact on us in the first five to six years of our lives. This gives us a basis, a foundation, or maybe not.

If you did not have strong energies as a child but had indulgent parents, this weakness might be compensated for. If, on the other hand, you had strong energies and parents that weren’t right for you, this may have weakened you. However, it is also possible that you have such strong energies that it doesn't matter what kind of parents you had.

Your energy level therefore depends on various factors, such as your family constellation, how you deal with it and how you react to it. That's why it's impossible to make a general statement. These are exciting processes and it's great to see within the energy field why someone is the way they are.

And not every person has the same amount of energy as when they are born. This is because each of them has a different character, a different being. That's why every single person has different amounts of energy. We are all different in this regard, just as we are as different as adults.

The initial familial circumstances can be a decisive factor for having strong or weak energies. However, there are many exceptions that prove the opposite. Some people are born weak, do not experience a good family constellation and still start going at full speed in adulthood.

The question is not how someone was born or what environment they have. The real question is what one makes of it and how they choose their life path. And now we're back to the previous point: if you can't break free and change your life path, it often means that the energy fields aren't working properly.

It can therefore be said that when children are born, they generally have practically no malfunctions. More decisive than the amount of energy is how quickly malfunctions occur and how the energy field deals with them.

To what extent does the energy depend on whether your energy field can deal with blockages or malfunctions?

How much energy you have can be an indication of how the energy field deals with malfunctions. However, other processes also play a role here.

For example, if you have strong energy but your energy field is weak, then you have no dynamic dispositions or are unable to adapt to situations. You can't react, you're not flexible inside and you can't deal with change. In these situations, all your strength is of no use to you.

There must be overall harmony in the energy field to be able to avoid malfunctions.

And that seems to be easier for some people than for others. In my opinion, this has everything to do with how an energy field reacts and functions to its environment..

I am convinced that if a person grew up in different environments, they would all end up being different people. Because we are interactive beings, we react. This allows us to change our lives, our present and our future. We are also changed by what we encounter. It is up to us how we behave, consciously, unconsciously or out of habit. This changes the course of our lives. Indeed, we actually do have every opportunity in the world. But it is not always equally easy for everyone.

Which energy thieves influence our energy?

These “energy thieves” are people who are not good for you. They cause you to become weak or lose energy to them. I don't think it's important whether you encounter energy robbers, or not. What’s important is whether you keep them in your own life, or not.

For your energy to be robbed from you, someone must be given the opportunity repeatedly. That's why it's important to avoid people who make you feel weak or bad. The second thing is to learn to become so resilient that it doesn’t drag you down as it used to be and you can sufficiently set yourself apart. This helps you not to be robbed of your own energy.

Interestingly, it is more common for people to give away energy than to be robbed of it. Therefore, make sure that you stay with your own energy and build it up, for your own sake.

How can you improve the functioning of your energy fields?

By living and trying to make the best out of your life. Don't let any wounds hold you back, move on and overcome it. Focus on yourself and listen to what is good for you and what is not.

And now comes the most important point: don't be too hard on yourself when you fail. Failure is part of life and development. Treating yourself with love helps you to become strong and stay strong.

A lot in life has to do with practice. If someone is better at something, they may have more talent, but usually it means they have more practice. People who have a positive attitude and have tried to get it right over the course of their lives have developed a habit. And that's why my advice is: Practice makes the master!

It's about authentic, natural behavior and not giving up when problems arise. Try to solve and overcome problems to develop your inner strength.

Sometimes it takes a lot of time and courage before you are able to do it. And even if you have mastered it, you will later encounter phases in your life where you have to do it all over again. It's not about avoiding everything that is not good for you or is harmful, that’s not possible. Rather, it's about the sum, the quantity.

Make sure you have only a few things in your life that are not good for you. If you are struggling with this, it makes sense to begin by solving the simplest things that are not good for you. You'll get practice and will eventually be able to tackle the more difficult things. It's a gradual process, so don't overwhelm yourself. It is through this process whereby you gain such a strength that things no longer affect you. You become strong enough and then you no longer feel it.

What is the secret of a strong energy field?

The secret of a good and strong energy field is actually something mundane: It is not easy to follow the rules at every stage of life because we all have different priorities at different stages of life. But if you give it the best you can, that will be enough and will make you continuously stronger.

It takes time for an energy field to become strong and becomes aware that when it is strong, it can become weak again. If you are strong, continue to look after yourself and stand by yourself. These are the most important points for staying strong.

There is another exciting phenomenon: when we gain strength, we feel it. We feel strong and powerful. A short time later, we have the feeling that we are now weaker. This has to do with the fact that we have become accustomed to our new strength. And everything we get used to enters our subconscious, thus we no longer feel it.

This is why many people have the feeling that they are suddenly no longer strong.

There is a reason for this: if we were to permanently feel our newfound strength, we would stop trying to move forward and would get stuck in a circle. The moment we get used to our newfound strength it enters our subconscious. We have a peaceful basis from which we take the next steps with motivation. This is the main reason why many people think they are weaker than they truly are. Because they have become accustomed to their own strength.

This whole process is about natural growth. You can always grow when you are not overwhelmed by your self-growth. However, sometimes our own steps overwhelm us. Getting used to it is crucial so that you can take the next steps. If this didn't happen, we would feel overwhelmed. We would be trapped in it and would not be able to develop any further

Conclusion: The energy field and energy can be harmonized and strengthened through practice and by overcoming challenges

Malfunctions occur in the energy field as a result of personal experiences and injuries. If you overcome problems and challenges, you strengthen your energy field.

Be considerate of your own needs and do what is good for you. Don't let injuries stop you and treat yourself with love.

The strength of your energy also depends on your past and present experiences, but also on your character and personality. Remember, however, that you can still be weak and achieve a whole lot in life. Weakness is not always an indication of failure over the width of your life.

If it is important to you to have strong energy, then regularly incorporate the breathing exercise described above. You will be thereby able to focus on yourself and develop a positive relationship with yourself.

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